Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's A Magic Imovie

Variety. Illustrated monthly magazine of contemporary


illustrated monthly journal of contemporary

Director: P.-G. Van Hecke

Department - Administration - Advertising:

Brussels: 11, avenue du Congo

Depot exclusive Paris : Librairie Jose Corti, 6, rue de Clichy.

Deposit for Holland: Van Ditmar NV, Schiekade, 182, Rotterdam

2nd year - No. 10, February 15, 1930

Cover illustration by Frans Masereel . Illustrations in text Frans Masereel , Jean Lurça , Ramah.

Nino Frank: The red coat. Antonio Aniante : Drama-hall. Corrado Alvaro : Alphabet. Monny of Boully : The lifting of the body. Francis Rose: Still you left me. Sacher Purnal : Golligwog (end).

Chronicle month :
Henri Vandeputte : Love. Jacques Rece : Slave to your charms. Pierre Courthion : The "great painter." Franz Hellens : Chronicle of the discs.

Surrealist Revolution - The Magic Island (W.-B. Seabrook) - The friend failed (Mélot of Dy) - Ilya Ehrenburg - The popular song ("The big wind", by Champigny) - Line General (film by Eisenstein) - Prisoners of the Mountain (film by Pabst and A. Franck) - No comment.

Journal of photographic illustrations:
showcases and displays, mannequins (Germaine Krull photo ), The Italian Statues (Photo by Herbert Bayer ). DISPLAYS painted by Pierre Charbonnier for Power Plants of Flanders and Brabant (4 photos). Soaps (Photo by Eli Lotar ). Orthopedics (Photo by Harry Crosby ). Constantin Weyer, Jean Paulhan (Photo H. Martin). Rene Crevel Leysin (Photo by A. Flechtheim). Blaise Cendrars in the Alps. Luis Bunuel and painter Salvador Dali , makers of the film "Un Chien Andalou". Luigi Russolo, Futurist and noisemaker George Vantongerloo , abstract sculptor (Photo Seuphor). Edgar Wallace (Photo Keystone). Eugene Dabit (Picture Knight). Germaine Krull (Photo by Eli Lotar). Florence Henri (Photo Florence Henri). The photographer of the street (Photo A. Dubreuil). Eli Lotar (Photo by Germaine Krull). Walter Ruttmann (Photo by Germaine Krull). Massimo Bontempelli , Vincento Cardarelli and Alberto Savinio . J.-F. Laglenne (Photo GL Manuel brothers).


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