Alyson Noel
Michel Lafon
Translated from English (USA) by Maud Desurvire
Released in January 2011
12.95 199 pages EUR
Roman teenagers from 12 years
Topics: Beyond Death, Fantasy
Back Cover: After the accident, Riley Bloom could not bring himself to follow nor his sister who was returning Ever the world living, nor his parents left for the dead. She was trapped between the two, in an undefined space called Here. Riley finds his dog and can visit whenever she wants Ever. Until the day she was summoned before the Council which pointed out that life after death is not to have a good time for eternity ... We therefore assigned a function, that of Treader souls, and a strange guide: Bodhi. Together, they must convince the spirits lost to reach the other world. Their first mission: a boy, radiation that haunts an English castle for centuries. Many smugglers have tried to make him cross the bridge, without success. To achieve this, Riley must uncover the secret that smothers and face her greatest fears.
Radiance is a spin-off series Eternals written by Alyson Noel. While in Eternals central character is Ever Radiance this Riley Bloom, his little sister aged 12, carried by a car accident. Ever is the only survivor and Eternals pranks she evokes the same Riley who died, is still annoying. Riley finds himself in perpetual summer, a space in-between, between the Earth and Here. She refuses to go to the other side while his parents and his dog got used to Caramel. Riley thinks she is too young to die and she later chose to join her sister ... so she is stuck in this addition which is neither heaven nor purgatory, just a parallel dimension where she can see what is happening on Earth but remains invisible. Riley can not continue on this path. It must evolve in the Here and Now, where souls are happy and at peace. For this, the Council entrusted a mission that will guide her: that Treader souls. Directorate of England and the haunted castle of Warmington ...
I loved this first volume of the new series Radiance , announced trilogy. I think the idea is to treat the sympathetic character of Riley because one can follow the route taken by the two sisters when their destiny changed. There is a link. For those who read Eternals, the memories of Riley will be stronger, more understandable, especially those spent with his big sister. We understand better why Ever had some difficulties to endure. Riley is a character endearing despite his side "fit inside" : a real plague, still glued to the coattails of Ever, ready to criticize everything that surrounds it and a real repartee, both scathing and provocative. Ah! Riley has a knack for making us smile. I enjoyed the way Alyson Noel deals with death, life in the hereafter and this way of imagining the here and now. With Riley Radiance gains in lightness and freshness but also novelty and charm. Then the next novel "English / Gothic I liked: ghosts, haunted castles, it's fun even if the tone is that of humor and ultra-modern! The story is admittedly a bit short but it is positive because the difference in Eternals, we can consider Radiance as new. Besides the theme of souls Treader puts us on track: Riley will still entertain Adventures ...
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