Jules Renard : Journal . October 29, 1898:
Paul Acker made his first twenty-eight days regiment where he had already made his year. It had read waivers Article 23. Colonel approached him and said: "Pig! Bastard! Neutered! "
All officers were around him whispering insults. We do not punish.
NCOs congratulated him for telling the truth.
- must tell truths, he repeated the master sergeant of arms. Thus, we must say that we, we have to move warrant, because we can not warrant that the cons do not have weapons. You must write it in The Lantern and sign Bassou. I read all the articles signed Bassou.
PrefaceDrin ... drrlin ... drr ... in ... dr ... flax.
- Ernest clampin sacred, they ring for an hour, go and see.
Snatched to the delights of his novel-feuilletn Ernest upsets some plates, a glass breaks suddenly, to lead me to believe it works, and runs to the door he opens.
I hear the sound of voices, footsteps: he is my friend Paul.
last twenty-four hours I only saw him, he has not changed, this small stocky: brown hair, sharp eyes, mouth smiling slyly, and looked so Napoleonic, - oh! If Napoleonic ! But today, a gentleman with it, not a gentleman, a soldier, Corporal, my faith! Who wears under his arm (we should be wary) a manuscript.
- Hello, dear Willy.
(Handshakes use.)
- This is Mr. Graffin of my son.
- My eyes rounded with amazement. The amazement wrinkle my forehead of a thinker, but I welcome, but with some coldness, I chew:
- Delighted, my dear sir ...
(Shake-hands usage.)
- ... This is my son, took Paul, and the birth of Therein, and his identity papers, and his resume.
So saying, he took the manuscript, and laying on the desk before me those papers still hot arm filial headings: Provided of Article 23.
I exclaim knowingly:
- Ah! Gentleman is ... taught ... section ... 23! But I do not know deeply
said that the article in question, and I am rather bewildered. Kiki-la-Doucette, who is honored to be my cat, established its silky angora behind a stack of three-fifty, and sees the soldier Graffin's eyes green Chasselas.
It is very nice, c't'enfant: tall, pale, eyes to the hull, a smile at the corners of the lips, face a little winnowed, but distinguished, in fact. And then there is ... taught ... section ... 23. This should already be an influential ... I decided to ask for explanations.
Ernest, groom the runs, providing the amenities of conversation, id est, the very American Grogg. My wife, careful wife, presents cigarettes rolled by it for my own use (two-thirds cup of straight, one-third of Maryland). My friend Paul draws a sip, a puff expires, caress Kiki la Doucette against the grain, rose, and placing his right hand on the head, Shorn of the order, M. de Graffin, who remains impassive, garlicky utters these words:
- My dear Willy, I have the honor of introducing Mr. Graffin, son. Of which I had, so what? And the sai I myself? Why to this day, February 3, 1898, half past eleven, I've hidden his existence, what interest is there to tell you? How is it that this son has just the same age as his father, and has a name different from that which begat, do you worry about it wisely, however, I will tell you this: He spent
many pants of various high schools and on chairs the Sorbonne and the Faculty of Law, leading to the master classes. He knew Latin, Greek, or even a little French, who had great admiration for MM. Renan, Maurice Barres, Tristan Bernard, and yourself. He spent his bachelor's brilliantly taken licenses, he bathed his soul in the pure waters of ancient and modern poetry, and his hands in the hair of some professional love. Then this future great man, the grateful country allowed, when he was twenty-one years, ten months of vacation in a regiment of the IS, my dear:
Oh we're proud
OF be a soldier (repeat) When you're military
!I give silence enveloped me in which I, as a mac-padded ferlane:
- What! Ten months? Why only ten months? My friend Paul
a second dose grog, lights another cigarette
- Exactly ten months my son is exempt from section 23. And he recites
, voluble: In peacetime, after a year in the Armed Forces, are sent on leave to their homes young people who have been, yes pursuing their studies to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Arts degree or Bachelor of Science, Doctor of Laws, a medical doctor, pharmacist, 1st class, veterinarian, or the title of the hospitals .
So glad to finally understand, I cry
- It's a conditional.
My friend Paul raises his finger, takes a severe mine and a third grog:
- Not at all, taught, and it is different. Conditionals belonged to that brave army of five years, including George Courteline we painted unforgettable pictures. The exempt belong to the army for three years, and ... and it is different (for repeating myself). The other ideas were offered as conditionals, provided the not taking sides in the same way as conditional. The army of three years is less solid than the army five years, the army three years is more skeptical that the army five years, the army three years more bored than the army of five years, is not it, son?
- Fait'ment, Dad, "replied the son (tone, tone, tontaine uncle).
- Now, dear Willy, a weekly happening, in my hotel du Parc Monceau, a very long letter ...
- verbose epistola and grow, "I muttered.
- Yes, in which he told me funny stories or boring, drawing sketches of the barracks fun or sad. The idea came to unite them; I have retouched with discretion, pruning details too intimate for me (money demands, criticisms and complaints about my mistresses) ... and I felt like I needed some gold ... Come on, son, tell the gentleman what I wanted ...
M. Graffin rises, starts at attention, saluted:
- Here, sir ...
I interrupt immediately.
- No, young man, no, I made my stripes as an officer of the authority.
He continued:
- Here, sir. Dad, with my stories, has a book which I am the hero, and he very much hope that you introduce me to the public.
How tile! I reply negro to hide my bad mood:
- Ah! Good! Good! That book! So, preface to book? My friend Paul
draft a caper, which puts to flight Kiki la Doucette, and exclaimed, snapping his fingers:
- He understood, he understood! It is amazing, this Willy!
M. Graffin simply smiled.
As I have lots of copies to be delivered before tonight, and my girlfriend Opener Circus Summer is just now coming to me declare, for the twelfth After his violent love, I promise the preface, and I gently put out the father and son ...
................................................ .................................................. ...........................
Eight days after .
I just finished reading the little manuscript. But it's fun! It is delightfully funny, Mr. de Graffin, with its placid j'm'enfichisme, the tranquility of his disdain and jeering smile. He offered the head of his superiors, his equals and his inferiors with a calmness that mocking me éjouit madly. No hate, no anger, a gently smiling irony, whose bite is a caress ... just treacherous. In the bargain, he suggests dreamer sometimes, and melancholy. And pretty flirtations that came during his ten months, distracting, that, above all, whose heroine - or the victim - was Madale D. .., the little bluestocking blonde curls! My friend Paul is not wrong: the exempt from section 23 does not resemble the conditional, and here is a book that I will, instead of washing it in Gougy, store it in my bibliothèqye, alongside Courteline. Come on! I am proud to be the godfather of Mr. Graffin.
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