Roy Lear (Andre Ibels ): The Talentiers . Free rides. Library of Art Criticism (on the title page of a paper covering the name of the first editor: A. Beard.), 1899, 13.03 x 19.03 cm, 132 pages. Drawings inset of Ernest La Jeunesse .

Youth in Livrenblog : preface to Ernest La Jeunesse Forçat honorary novel immoral. Ernest La Jeunesse: The King Bombance Marinetti . Ernest La Jeunesse famous Fanny Zaessinger . Youth Ernest Blum. Bibliography. Ernest La Jeunesse - Oscar Wilde in Paris. The "You've read!" Ernest La Jeunesse designer Part 1. The "You read me!" (Continued) Ernest La Jeunesse designer. Ernest Youth - Frequently Asked crusts first part. Ernest Youth - Frequently Asked crusts result. The Omnibus of Corinth. Jossot. Andre Ibels. Ernest La Jeunesse pastiche by Victor Charbonnel in Criticism . Must read Ernest Youth? . Ernest La Jeunesse: 22 original drawings .
Andre Ibels in Livrenblog : The Ibels's artistic and literary . A ballad of Andrew Ibels. Ubu, Jarry, Bauer .
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