The Strangled
They are four on the scaffold awful ... On the scaffold bequeathed by the old Inquisition, which dishonors this time as an offensive return of the night ...They are four ... sat, bound to poles, the corrupt, the tongue hanging out and violet. The courage of these men was indomitable, Chapel in the last twenty-four hours they have continued to shout "Long live Liberty! Long live Justice! "And this song Supreme perpetuated onto the platform of punishment, mixed with funeral hymns of the priests, dominating its magnitude rattling sabers and the murmurs of the populace, this invocation to the god unknown has stopped at the instant where four executors, weighing both on four levers, tightened iron collar and choked voices grinding bodies.And the brutality of the mechanism has triumphed over the pride of attitudes, and imperturbability the look and as soon as the metal rings were compressed muscles off the blasts, broken vertebrae, the heads have looked slowly, a grin twisted mouths, does not sound preaching, what is called the Law , the force remained the last word remained with a quartet of corpses to congested faces and grimacing, which, earlier, will be black.The expression is not the same four faces tortured. On the first two, which belonged to grown men, daring the will, the courage of the holy rebellion still struggling, and almost victoriously, cons embrace of asphyxia, the terrible dislocation has convulsed the features and lineaments, lopsided lips, eyes turned, but the principle of energy expired maintains its track, that will never be until later in the corruption of the charnel house.But, beside the two men are two young men, as brave lately, so determined, so imbued with the fierce faith which shook the ground, though foreign to Heaven.They had only eighteen years, and their physical evolution was not finished: also the relentless constriction of the brass did, snatching the life removes the imprint of the soul, and it's painful and sad slump that prevails in the faces of these children strangled. But this failure is unintentional and posthumous an additional motive to glorify them. Their strength and volitional thinking was superior to their physiological development, and crowns are manly due to these fronts adolescents.They were the season of love, their hearts beat to the memory of hugging, the desire for more intimate embraces.They sang in the dawn, and they fell before sunrise. Why, cowardly people? Why, crowd-just watch them flock die? For you, yes, for you! For too violently struck the bell of your issue, to get you yelled: "Get up! Straighten your knees and your eyes! "
Earl of Leonce Larmande .
Renaissance Idealist , No. 13, from 1 to January 15, 1896.

Illustration: Jouve in L'Assiette au Beurre , social revenge, No. 34, November 23, 1903.
Renaissance Idealist in Livrenblog : Cyprian Godebski : The Intimacy of great men: Wagner . Idealist Renaissance, Bibliography .
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