Arthur Slade
Publishing Mask
Collection MSK
Translated from English by Marie Cambolieu
Released in February 2011
286 pages 12 euros
Roman Junior / Teens from 11 years
Topics: Adventure, Espionage, Steampunk
Presentation Editor: London, under the Victorian era. Young orphan turned spy by powers beyond the understanding of transformation, Modo works on behalf of Mr. Socrates. Aided by the beautiful and formidable Octavia, he will have to investigate a new mystery. Off Ireland, half a dozen ships already sunk to the same point. In the words of the few survivors, the boats were attacked by an unknown sea monster. Venturing there, they know what to expect. When the ship is attacked, Modo going overboard. While the ship returns to shore with difficulty, Octavia refuses to believe that his companion was drowned. Indeed, Modo has been collected by the mysterious sea monster, which is none other than The Ictíneo, ultra-advanced submersible led by a young woman, Delphine Monturiol. It has built an entire city at the bottom of the ocean where all kinds of men and women live in perfect equality. First upset by this harmonious world where his deformity does not make him a pariah, Modo quickly understands that he is a prisoner here. He must do everything to escape Ictíneo. Can he really be trusted to Colette, a young French spy, imprisoned like him? Octavia how to prevent the danger when she approaches the fatal area?
Excited by the first volume of the tetralogy The Canadian Brotherhood of clock, I was not disappointed by City Blue who Icaria keeps its promises on novel of adventure and espionage . Modo and Octavia, the agents of Mr. Socrates have a new mission and not the least. Departing for New York, under the cover of newlyweds, they must join the Icelandic coast where many ships have sunk to the same point. Strange coincidence? Mr. Socrates does not believe, especially as The Brotherhood of the clock seems also pay close attention to the disappearances. A single track for Modo and Octavia: the Ictíneo. But what is it? Powered by legends and rumors, Ictíneo would be a sea creature, a monster waves like a kraken which engulf the boats ... At sea, the adventures begin and the two young officers are separated. Octavia, desperate, think Modo drowned ... but he is rescued by the mysterious Ictíneo that is other than a majestic submarine, technological prowess and fascinating ...
The Brotherhood Clock plunging his readers into the Victorian England, right in the nineteenth century London, fog between secret societies and terrorist ... Arthur Slade in The city of Blue 'Icaria hits harder and takes us on a fantastic journey in Jules Verne . What is always impressive about the writing of Arthur Slade these are multiple references to classic literary heritage. All the great English novels are modernized and brought up to the day : Griff, invisible agent who served as guinea pigs for scientific experiments straight out of a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde while the city of Icaria, mythical and fantastic reminder The twenty thousand leagues under the sea . Promise kept so for this series never ceases to amaze us with a fertile imagination and writing as fluid and dynamic. If work psychological characters is less neat, we feel that Arthur Slade has focused on the description of a utopian city Icaria, where everyone is so different he could live freely and equally. A city at the bottom of the sea as the Atlantis based on the ideals visionaries inspired by scientific progress, far from the surface where men are selfish and corrupt ... The founder is none other Delphine Monturiol Ictíneo captain who seems determined to defend its values and principles against a hitherto Miss Hakkandottir This low but persistent until the end of the novel. spy novel to the steampunk , The blue city of Icaria promises pleasure of reading. Twists, scenes of battles and actions will delight young teenagers. The humor is intact in the form of scathing rejoinders between Modo British agent and Colette, a young French spy. I just regret the slow evolution and the relationship of the characters. We are still in the infancy between Octavia and Modo. It is always concerned about his appearance and his hideous physical disadvantage when it would make him take a course ... Modo has been a disappointing hero and too naive in this volume! I much preferred the charm and charisma of Colette, a real fighter! Never mind, I'm sure we reserve Arthur Slade still surprises in future books!
My column on Volume 1: The Brotherhood Clock
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