Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Adidas Megabounce Vs Microbounce


Le Cercle des Amateurs Remy Gourmont just see the legal update this week.

At the founding meeting of 14 January, the office was as follows: Mr. Jean de

GOURMONT, Honorary Chairman

Vincent GOGIBU, Chairman.

Bordillon Henri, Vice-President.

BUAT Mr. Christian, Vice-President in charge of the site www.remydegourmont.org

Mr. Mikael LUGAN, Vice-President.

Thierry GILLYBÅ’UF, Secretary.

Vincent GOGIBU, Treasurer.

It is already possible to join the CARGO.L information may be widely disseminated around you, libraries, archives, etc..

For information, address cargo.gourmontien @ yahoo.fr is now active.

Pending find yourself on board the freighter and jointly promote the work of Remy Gourmont, I send you my warmest greetings.

Vincent Gogibu.


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