Found a copy on Saturday rather exceptional in the first edition of Les Nuits , trouble and souls of our most notable contemporary (Perrin, 1896 ) to Ernest La Jeunesse .

To Louis Bernieres
If I had words to offer Bernières
This book sprang from me for a long time I should
words so sweet and touching
that they wait and lions in their dens
is that there is no need of myrrh or incense.
These are early days, of passions and fleeting
safe, effort and pride revolts
Who We stand at the time or distant or recent.
We fight, we fought, we will fight again!
biases are there, the enemy also
The bourgeois, dignity, united with the blockhead!
we let ourselves be overcome? Or do we overcome? Oh so
Victory never belonged to the courage
It is ours to me, the fool, you, the wise!
Ernest La Jeunesse
January 1904
And in the margins of the book of original drawings in pen by the author in all twenty-two portraits, caricatures of writers.

Anatole France

Maurice Barres

Pierre Loti

Rene Doumic

Paul Bourget

Jules Lemaitre

Alphonse Daudet

J.-M. de Heredia

Tristan Bernard

Henri de Regnier

Catullus Mendes

Francois Coppe

Gustave Kahn

J.-K. Huysmans

Paul Hervieu

Jules Renard

Henri Rochefort

Pierre Veber

Octave Mirbeau


Georges d'Esparbès

Jean Moreas
In 1913, the reissue of Nights, trouble and souls of our most notable contemporary will be increased sixty sketches that do not always overlap the drawings of our copy, meanwhile, in 1899, to give Youth Talentiers, Ballads free by King Lear [Andre Ibels] (Library Art Criticism ), numerous portraits of writers in the same spirit. On 3 October 1901, he illustrated, always-portraits caricatures, a number of Butter Plate ( "The reading you gave me!" You did not watch? ).
See the summary of No. 8 of the journal Stories Literary , article of Eric Walbecq , Ernest La Jeunesse, some portraits on a copy on Japan, with margins in a hundred drawings of the same invoice.
Youth on Livrenblog : preface to Ernest La Jeunesse Forçat honorary novel immoral. Ernest La Jeunesse: The King Bombance Marinetti . Ernest La Jeunesse famous Fanny Zaessinger . Youth Ernest Blum. Bibliography. Ernest La Jeunesse - Oscar Wilde in Paris. The "Thou hast read! "Ernest La Jeunesse designer Part 1. The" You've read "(continued) Ernest La Jeunesse designer. Ernest La Jeunesse - The Wisdom crusts first part . Ernest La Jeunesse - Fair Following the crusts . The Omnibus of Corinth. Jossot. Ibels Andre. Ernest La Jeunesse pastiche by Victor Charbonnel in Criticism . Must read Ernest Youth? .
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