Editions Thierry Magnier
Publication scheduled for February 2, 2011
338 pages 15.80 EUR
Roman teenagers from 12 years
Topics: Adventure, Friendship, Quest
Back Cover: In this world, eight moons shine in the night turn. Samian, small peasant Kraspills is mistreated by his master, he fled. Under his red cap, niche Yonka the spider, they communicate telepathically. Bossy, she has great ambitions for Samian, first starting to Iskhion, capital of the world Sarancol, place of residence Sarchonte. There they will strike gold and then they fileront to the Shadowlands, beyond the eight moons. The road is long, bumpy, of traps, brigands, and cohort of pilgrims on their way to celebrate the Walch. But also of strange animals: prapators, giant caterpillars ... kidnapped, enslaved, fugitive, imprisoned, escaped, foam interstellar vessels, Samian short adventure to adventure. He discovered many worlds, people trafficking, trafficking in women the indigo revolt, and of course he discovers love, friendship, betrayal ...
Samian is an orphan. Kraspills small peasant, he is considered a nobody, a simpleton devoid of intelligence, mistreated by his master violent and alcoholic. Samian fled but soon regained freedom, he was captured by brigands who enlisted force. Forced to survive in the world of criminals, Samos is an ally. A strange and tiny ally, intelligent and possessing gifts of telepathy ... a spider Yonka who makes his home in the red cap of Samos. Ambitious, it will constantly push towards Iskhion Samian, the capital of the world Sarancol, place of residence Sarchonte. In this world, eight moons shine in turn. Samian but will also discover a dangerous city, where men alongside women indigo, came from the Underworld, so humanoids enslaved to his pleasure. Kidnapped, abused, imprisoned, in turn robber escaped on a boat and foam interstellar, Samos has an eventful life, full of pitfalls and adventures ...
Samian Journey to the Underworld is an initiatory quest both perilous and fantastic. Woven like a novel adventure , the journey of our hero is amazing. First orphan beaten and kidnapped by criminals, he keeps want to turn to good. And well sometimes involve byways like winning a race rigged, remove promised his sweetheart to a forced marriage, fighting for important causes. Samian is wise and that wisdom comes from his spiritual guide, his friend arachnéide faithful ally who will come out of danger. The novel is rooted in a fertile imagination. Colin Thibert invented the Underworld, beyond the eight moons, a world populated by humans who encounter fantastical creatures : caterpillars, giant of prapators ... But there will also accents and a soft oriental fragrance Thousand and One Nights Iskhion because the city is not without reminding us a mythical Babylon : Caravan dealers crisscrossing the desert scents Soukha and exuberant gardens. Much more than a search initiation, we would also consider Candide by Voltaire as the Samian trip is carried by a burst of freedom, a wind that will guide him to the love, friendship, justice and denunciation of slavery. Winds of tolerance and equality will dominate the whole novel to give it its soul and originality. Samian humanistic revolt against trafficking in women indigo ... Samian philosopher, driven by political considerations and cons expressed opprimeurs system and oppressed. In this superb novel is a learning : Samian Samian the orphan became an advocate for fair and commendable values, a hero the way you like ...
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