Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How To Dress For Short Hair


And here's another good strikethrough text ... right now we are talking "tree," I choose me for the rabbit and the alliteration in "l" and " p ". Some contrepet to spice sauce and you have a Christmas dish to taste without aeration words ... I illustrate with an assembly made from photos of rabbits Zwy painted a graffiti fan of rabbits that we know well PGC to be interviewed first! Anecdotally, Fra Lippo Lippi is a Tuscan Renaissance painter who actually existed. Monk's condition, his dissolute life has earned him trouble with church authorities ...

It was a lapse, a species of rabbit Japan swarmed under the pylons of the hill of Popocatepetl. A Pomeranians lapped a piece of lupus Sloth an impala. The lure of rotten skin of the lapis is leprosa impala, and impaled the peeled. Youp there! The angora in agony throbbing vain pill and pili pili, it did not fold: Pounded by malaria, it Clabots. His coat was messed up by a panel of Lepidoptera that rude s'imbibèrent its lipids. There was no melody but of most other queer pilèrent bristle at the sight underworld: it was said that Penelope had scalped her husband! There was nothing left of the peel of Ulysses, that "the cloak" of the rabbit and shaved ... nothing to daub with for posterity, and no rascal to illustrate it! Only the Lippo Lippi had been, but the grinder having had eluded the people in sick. The shoulder and folded flat polyps, he repressed his papules on the floor of his villa in Paimpol. To chase his spleen, he does not miss a single installment Oulipian and was parallel to the brothel tease a hen Peloponnesian called "La Callas" fondling it loosely, and the decoy which was well worth the tax, and even the shovel rake ... he squandered his elf full pot opal and flounces as not to prick the paw! Between the crusts of octopus and farts couples, it hard cake in pulp palaver by feeling moult clams ... The perfect rabbit spoke no end! For the dear Lippo Lippi had the hippo the pounds and hippie bell-bottom ... oh!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Suction Cups Won't Stick To Tile


I have long subscribed to the letter of the Oulipo. Sometimes I am inspired by these delusions humorous correspondence. Here's what one of the contributors, Jacques Theillaud writes about a former lover of yellow pieces:

" Tonight" Grand Journal "on Canal +, David Douillet, questioned the authority of a deputy mandate:" Well, you can have all mandates imaginal ..."... damn capo to speak, the member champion JudABLE! ... the pole and drinking water, I hesitate between my Porto and my laptop, a true and false true story, a car and a noticeable rake INRAT, a boat unbeatable, an idiot or the devil, a Queneau incunabulum ... "

All this of course gave me ideas as how to ... under the tongue of a judoka jacta gibberish we arrive at such "ends"! :


subway riders are in the form of seats on folding seats métrables
Trains row when it should not

ad'quoi fart Y cables Deco ...
corridors of a glamorous
hateful miserable half zeros
On big ads and text messages!

Given poster
Invariant Under the slogans t'inhales your burps
Lots of books in your briefcase What
pass the time quarto ...

Under this roll imperturbable
The stampede of a peer turbo:
Pressed by a bushel shabby
It overwrites your shoe enamels.

His big smile You're very kind
well tapped the hood:
You ask him if he can let you go
his number! A

innumeracy time ... He will
replies flawless
it prefers to jacta fables,
(Exit to create a firebrand)

Stay unburnt
man who does not ignite any time soon ...
No adventure is citable
Topping the list of macho.
You thought you were not so chewable

Yet we must say the unspeakable
What you got stuck on a homo!

*** Incidentally, my participation in the blog "Water for Sol Si " at the invitation of the Consul's daughter .

A new mail art Anbleizdu fan of mushrooms:
At the rate runs this blog, I tell you next year!;)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Gallon Of Milke A Day

WAS 155 years ago

Yesterday, 20 October marked the anniversary of the birth of Rimbaud (born 1854) ... I missed the boat, and I am therefore the wall. So I publish this post to yesterday's date and thank Gérard Lavalette (aka The Pedestrian Charonne ) for sending photos of wall portraits gleaned throughout his walks. As a bonus, some more photos of my collection, and especially Dja'louz portrait painted on the wall of my living room.

Installation with the archives of Gérard Lavalette

What could be more suitable than a wall to put his head angel? Ernest Pignon-Ernest was one of the first to paste pictures of the " man with soles of wind " in major cities throughout the late '80s. There remains a fresco in Belfort, unfortunately very old and in need of restoration.

EP-Ernest Belfort (detail)

Other artists continue to pose in his portrait urban Zilda including Rennes, NiceArt and Pedro in Paris ...

Rimbaud & Iggy Pop - Nice Art, Paris 4 °

Pedro - before the Fondation Cartier, Paris 14 °

Nice Art, Paris 4 °

There is also a call for mail art on the theme of Rimbaud at the moment, at the initiative of Bérangère Delli.

Here is what the poet says of the word "wall", synonymous with both silence, wall, separation and misunderstanding ... But paradoxically place of communication, expression and freedom, as suggested so well language web platforms, which can be written on a "wall". For Rimbaud, the wall sometimes refers to a thundering sky as it seeks to vanquish, sometimes to a wall full of murky and rough, the receptacle oozing disease and deformity ...

In Drunken Boat, the poet is " Free, smoking, mounted from violet fogs, [hole] the sky glowing like a wall . Sitting In The , elderly to Mass have "The sinciput plated hargnosités waves / Like the lepers of old blooms walls (...)" banging their heads bald / the dark walls, electroplating and plating their twisted legs . Young Couple in " Outside the wall is full of gums vibrate birthworts where elves " [Editor's note: birthworts plants are toxic and carcinogenic]. And The Watchers, " on sections of wall where the cold wind is played / Where there are still some shreds of paper , "he proclaims" Ah! this is too much, crumbling walls and square! .


For Rimbaud freedom passes including the killing of walls ... while I, I fixed the picture on the wall smooth and white of my daily life. This is my way of highlighting the role that Arthur has always had in my life, my thoughts ... read and reread every time is a discovery. Incidentally, the "Literary Magazine" of September last (No. 489) dedicates a dossier which exegetes Rimbaud's most savvy in this area have collaborated. Each year a festival pays tribute to Rimbaud in Charleville on a theme related to his poetry: this year's wandering. His works are in the program's current external aggregation in modern literature and classic, catchy and many titles of essays and conference proceedings.

The Refrigerators - Paris 13 °

Brief, Arthur has not finished talking to him, my greatest happiness ... and it's not over; -)! Speaking of walls, I opportunity to signal the opening of a new blog carried by the PGC the MUR Oberkampf , in conjunction with the Association WALL .

Friday, September 11, 2009

What To Eat When You Have Swollen Glands

It was exactly 11am when I remembered that I had not long been published on this blog, we were on Sept. 11 and that a draft bill on this figure that m ' obsessed sleeps in a folder on my PC from a lease. It is high time that the highlights ...

The phenomenon 11:11: Time of the Apocalypse?


As preamble, I can not resist the urge to give food a palindrome of my own to illustrate with words the purpose of this figure (very) long post. We must be lenient with any related palindrome: for me the performance lies in the mere fact of producing a text that can be read backwards, as to the meaning it is so enigmatic that it lends to interpretation! In this bilingual English palindrome, observe the triple in the pirouette sequence "No pupil nose" = eleven eleven Ezon / eleven noze (nose) = nose!

The a student has no nose, no moon, no name. Ten Is A true monster: shaved his stops, we die to six year ... Same one, not zero eleven calves one year.


Those who follow this blog have noticed that I was often reported a strange phenomenon: I stopped regularly on the sequence 1111 (display watches, computer , dashboard, car phone, etc.).. I did not know then typing 11:11 Google and other "eleveners" before me have already lived "experience" and reflected on sites dealing more or less of numerology, torn between a positive mysticism and theories end of the world. In short, it seems indeed that this figure plot thousands of people and be a source of many coincidences, all questions and responses more preposterous with each other.


I. So seeing the number 11 in its physical aspect / Visual

This is a palindromic number, as being back on itself: the Roman numeral II is written (2) refers to as a 2:2 = 1. The letters M, W, N, (cutting through the middle), uppercase and lowercase I contain one or more 1 with 2 possible spellings. In fact, according to a common practice not have the same spelling, the Anglo-Saxon does not use the back up as we write and then I. The English word "eleven" may be a sound mix of "hell" / Heaven? (Eleven = hell / paradise, each ending in 11 also with double ll and N). It contains almost ze-word "one" in English can mean both "A" and "being", which can evoke the pronoun "we." Magic and consistency of language ... "eleven" in German is called "elf". Hence the link with the essence "elvish", there is only one step! For this species we are vital, almost, in today's world: just as the price of oil rises or disappears and it is ... the ZONE! Is there not also an "ELF business"?

II. The aspect of "expressive"

- a " broth eleven o'clock" is a poison (11pm is supposed to be the witching hour).
- the "lady eleven o'clock" is a toxic plant (11am is the time of flowering).
- the "workers the eleventh hour" is an allusion to the parable of the Bible on the principle of equality: those who arrive at the last moment, when the work is almost finished, are still paid the same salary .
- the proverb " eleven months earlier had eaten a month senaison " found randomly on Wikipedia ... and unknown to the battalion! Impossible to know what this sentence, notice is launched!
- " train 11h", and fun way to appoint former walking foot, two bars of 11 contained both legs.
- the "eleven " metaphor to describe a football team.
- in English the expression " The Eleventh Hour" means the last moment to act in case of danger or emergency.

LITTLE FUN EXERCISE: What can you write with one? : Ill Will, Mill (Sick / crazy and will mill in English). Nod: the Wii is two 1 and two upside down 1 or 1111 ;-) there are surely many more ...

III. The aspect of "media"

It is likely that contemporary filmmakers, whether conscious of the impact of the phenomenon in 1111 the collective mind, have had the urge to exploit it. Thriller 11:11, evil has a new number (Mr. Bafaro, 2004) is the most blatant example. The Lady eleven o'clock (J. Devaivre, 1947) recounts a story of murder, ditto for The 11th Commandment (P. Leder, 1974) Riot in Cell Block 11 (D. Siegel, 1954 ) recounts a bloody revolt in a prison. Ocean's Eleven (S. Soderbergh) depicts the atrocities of a team of 11 thugs, and Eleven individual of Ghost in the Shell are a group of terrorists who hijack an embassy employee.

Just type in the search of an online media store the number or letters and you come across a multitude of titles including the number "11" is the title (see album Bryan Adams), the most obvious being an album CD entitled 11:11 Maria Taylor. One hundred and eleven also include haiku by Matsuo Basho, Eleven Minutes (P. Coelho) Eleven days (D. Harstad), or Eleven hours to live (P. Simons & N. Mege).

IV. The historical aspect

The episode of the 11,000 virgin martyrs of the Middle Ages is legendary (see The Eleven thousand yards , title parody of Guillaume Apollinaire). The date of 11 September 2001 gave rise to delusional interpretations: as if the Twin Towers formed alongside the number 11, they each consisted of 110 stories, note also the presence of the WW (double you Bush ...?), January 4 upside down in the name of the towers ... aux USA, 911 (nine-nine-one, or 09/11) is the emergency number in NYC, whose postal code is 10001, the State of New York is No. 11, the first plane crashing against the WTC 1 was the flight of No. 11 American Airlines, and finally to the 11th of September, 111 days left until the end of the year! To top it off, another coincidence, the First World War ended at 11 pm on the 11th day of 11th month of the year 1918. On 11 November 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. Louis XI, having only French monarch to name this place, was described by his biographers as a rogue king and unappreciated for nearly 22 years of reign, called the "universal spider" sneaky creature awaits its prey in the dark.

V. The appearance folklore Rhineland

Carnival (Karneval Rheinischer) bases its rituals around this number. Thus it begins on November 11 at 11:11. There are several theories about the origin of this date, the number 11 is considered since the Middle Ages as the number of fools ("närrische Zahl") because it is one more than the 10 commandments, which is therefore transgresses, and one less than the 12 apostles. Even today, the Carnival Committee is composed of 11 fools (= Elferrat Board 11). For the record, the Rhine region undergoes first occupation with French revolutionary troops and later Napoleon and the Prussian occupation. The three letters "ELF" in German recall the principle of the Revolution: equality, freedom and brotherhood. So it was let off steam by making fun of the French occupiers.

(Source: Wikipedia and the site of the Academy of Versailles)

Anyway, the eleven apostles, those who remained after the betrayal of Judas to decide his replacement.

VI. The mystique

sites that question the "1111 phenomenon" is still a lot to take with tweezers, because the statements that are developed are relatively "enlightened"! Each effect can easily live "experience." It is possible that our subconscious takes us to fixate on it because it's visually easier; are 4 vertical bars (digital display) that create a visual effect for sure, and who can remember a lot of things we use or see in everyday life. The human imagination in search of spirituality in a world where everything goes too fast, left speechless time of observation. From there to consider that because we saw this phenomenon it is sort of a politician, capable of receiving signs that ordinary people do not perceive there is a world. Chance sometimes strikes several times in the same place ... this "phenomenon" is actually quite common and therefore more regular ordinal. So why has it become a subject of speculation throughout the delusional world? No doubt the word of mouth. Certainly, for my part I did had not heard before seen. Certainly there is an element of mystery which is perhaps explained by the meandering parts of the brain unexplored. And if it was just a collective hallucination more?

VII. The numerological aspect

- In the tarot, Arcanum No. 11 is the Force.
- In Harry Potter, you need 11 years to September 1 to enter Hogwarts. Harry's wand measures 11 inches in OV ...
- Here is the testimony of an Algerian student interviewed just after a kamikaze attack July 11, 2007 before a barracks (online article Rue89):

" The bus was burning. There were body parts and faces of blood everywhere. everything was in blew (...). I thought we were Dec. 11 and Al-Qaeda had struck. Since September 11, 2001 in New York, March 11, 2004 in Madrid, April 11, 2007 in Algiers. On 11 of the terror is back . "

In numerology, especially in the esoteric tradition, it is a symbol of transgression, rebellion and violence. For this fact It represents the "coat of arms of sin" according to St. Augustine. Psalm 11 - the Vulgate numbering - indeed demand the punishment of the wicked. The sum of the numbers 1 to 11 is 66, which multiplies the number eleven by the symbol of evil, The Demon 6. The Hebrews considering it as a bad omen, there is no name consists of eleven letters in Hebrew. Number of knowledge of God according to the Arabs, who would go through 11 stages. Thence to infer that sponsors suicide bombings of Al-Qaeda deliberately choose to act on 11 and kill, there is only one step ... and I must admit that when the "Mossad is at the party" during this time, we can see a certain black humor ...
In the code of the United States, the "Murder" (Title 18, Part I, Chapter 51) is the No. 1111.
CONCLUSION: I can not wait to see what will happen November 11, 2011 at 11 o'clock 11 minutes and 11 seconds ...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Will Help Bloating


I'm a game I take homophones and declines according to what passes through my head. I propose that those who miss it stick with green-glass-to-worm-vair , people-loses-grandfather-pair-pair or other ...

Lille : I've never set foot, but I have often failed: Blandine had proposed to spend on the occasion of the famous Jumble, but I was not available. It seems that it is a "beautiful" two words that I speak for those who know my neighborhood Parisian wanderings "Graffiti".

Read it Stan told me a book recently, "Theory of Six". He told me he was not able to release the book before finishing it, which is strong enough for a guy who admits to being somewhat fond of reading. This thriller is based on a theory of probability set in 1929 by a Hungarian named Frigyes Karinthy, that any individual may be connected to any other by a chain of knowledge with no more than five intermediaries. Each of us would be six handshakes of any inhabitant of the wilds of the Gobi Desert. This theory, to say the least mad, is the modus operandi of the serial killer thriller by Jacques Expert. It reminds me that Stan has also published a book in and that I would have found time to immerse myself in his "I prefer to nibble on cement" ...

Island : if I owned one, it would be in an archipelago of atolls, surrounded by dolphins, manta rays and colorful fish. I would put all the people I love and I would call "the island chandeliers" because I will have found eternity.

Etretat, 08/15/2008

L'il : the unknown man, male utopian representative of the opposite sex who beat the "it" all may be an illusory duo, flying in perfect idyll?

Lyl : a young artist that hunters street art are familiar. Member of the collective ST TICKS, it sticks in the street its silhouettes pinup ears of elves. A trifle provocative, she taunting us with their almond eyes at the corner of an intersection or exiting a doorway. Ephemeral, fast-torn shocked onlookers by a breast that can not see, they are being Emmure sensuality, provocation that endures, that femininity gags to stunts.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS for those who are idle and @ + in this blog!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Felted Crochet Slippers

FOR, BRINDAM: a stencil watermark


Lilabel Unable to speak (see previous post) not to mention love Brin called us " Brindam . These two are inseparable, like the parakeets! (But the comparison stops to their welcoming chatter, they reassure themselves ^ ^). Love street art, Brin love knows well most of the artists who put their work here and there on the walls of Paris. But one wonders how the idea he never came to ask something herself ... So with this mail-art of a particular kind I propose to give him a boost:)

It is indeed a real stencil ... I slipped a transparent red in the envelope, just remove it to see its name appear as "watermark" ... a bomb, a wall, and it's ready to use!

The materials used are: an X-Acto, a transparent plastic cover, a chrome posca, a black marker, a pen and a black pen to draw the arabesque, a thin piece of metal watermark, a small satin ribbon to close the envelope, and two pairs Scissors (one serrated) for cutting the pieces from magazines.

PS is accompanied by Roswitha and I met Brindam Bérangère Delli, also enamored of mail art, street Denoyer (one of my favorites HQ) where she has the chance to live, just front of the pool. Another point in common with the lady, she loves Rimbaud! View blog dedicated to his call for mail art RIMBAUD she received in Wonderland ...

And TAT ... another love of urban art, a quick little trick:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Airsoft Desert Eagle Gold Chromed


Upcoming tickets may still speak of mail art, first because I'm inspired now, then because I did not head to write. Achieve these custom envelopes, it makes me nostalgic. This returns me to my childhood holidays in the house of my grandmother Lussac (33). There was not much to do in this wet and gloomy old shack (that still loved), then moved into the triangular garden (yes, yes, a triangle acute and steep), we played all sorts of games, and it was engaged in creative activities, between the books and holiday decals. We cut out pages of "Female Status" and "We Two" is compiling the paperwork, it was the attic in search of treasures to compliment our designs. It was the era of recklessness, albums by Sarah Kay and herbal teas in the evening watching TV with the comments of the Granny who told the whole movie before the end ...

Make Mail Art for me is also a story. It's about someone we like. Offer him scraps of what is known of him or her, passions, on a piece of paper that position and who travel to please him. Send a mail art is a kind of declaration of friendship, an act of generosity. I wrote about it, entitled "Paris under bombs" with the chrome posca (it shows not the white). Collage, spray bomb, stickers and writing have hope flew Lilabel box which unfortunately did not receive the first I sent him ... I cross my fingers that this time the Post Office to do its job! Lilabel is a small, energetic woman, spruce, and I still believe in the exhibitions and openings related to art ... Street, for which she is passionate like me, last time I saw her was at the House of steelworkers to the expo 400ml. I used the flyer!



Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Free Super Hero Mmo


This is not the first time I mention the art on this blog post and four-leaf clovers, which are just because I have my mascot for "gift" to find very easily. Here are gathered on an A4 envelope to the attention of Christine, who sent me this beautiful specimen called "the way is clear."

I assume that this envelope is a gateway to creativity, happiness and adventure! Christine reminds me in his letter that a mail-art call on the theme DOISNEAU / PREVERT short right now. It's my turn to answer in the form of a poem, which I refer here the words:

In a green meadow, I found four-leaf clovers
There were as many as
starred in my dreams And when I saw these lovers kissing in Rome
Doisneau I thought, at first glance

Would have liked to see in these green umbrellas
symbols of luck, faith, love and hope
May they bring you what you dream of having
For each clover is a word of inventory.

Anecdotally, it was finding a four leaf clover in the garden of his house Omonville-la-Petite (Manche) and Prévert had decided to buy it. The writer Louise de Vilmorin had made its emblem, it drew in his correspondence.

Christine Leroy and Roswitha Guillemin facilitate workshops "Completely stamped", and regularly launch calls mail art.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Best Mascaras For Blepharitis

As you noticed, I am fashion "holiday" on this blog. The Collective Exhibition of PhotoGraff (see note Tat here and the ticket of the exhibition on PGC here), the cleaning the old theater Graffé the Hermitage and a wedding in Italy with all my energy picked up in recent weeks, this blog is idling. So what has been getting me out of my hole? Well, a single vision, a snapshot of the street.

click +

I will not talk about graffiti no or maybe so but as the evocation of a paint ... Every morning I spend Velib in front of Beaubourg, and that's where I caught a scene sadly comical. With hindsight, I find myself suddenly plunged into a theater. A transvestite is recovering lipstick before going to drag his misery, probably in search of something happening while a homeless person gives his food to his brothers empty greyness I call the winged vermin.

I make a series of shots, not too close ... and then turns around and blonde wig fixed my goal. There, when I see this picture (unfortunately a bit dark), I feel like a thief. This look is disturbing, and I wonder. This requires a certain audacity to broadcast an image that can disturb the emotional impact. The uptake of human distress has sometimes related to voyeurism, especially when it affects almost prostitution. When someone says TAKE a picture, it's not nothing. It takes a bit of his soul too, and here I am surprised to be taken. I guess at that time which must pass through the head of this character who, tired of selling his body on the cheap, is being "shot" like a freak ... pretend destroyed, he sat on the toilet , head down to hide his suffering.

The incongruity of the scene has mostly been my imagination, as it could be that of a layer of everyday modern caricature, in which a couple is getting ready to go before work, the woman at her toilet and the man in the mouthful to give brats before him to school. But here, the focus is limited to the borders of a manhole cover fixed to the pavement amidst a bunch of pigeons and a dirty mirror SANISETTE, referring to the faces of passers the back of a soiled coin droppings. The image of this unfortunate couple remain engraved in my mind as the symbol of a social farce in which the cruel reality of the world is reflected in every gesture wounded in every face forgotten, ignored in every moment of the lives of these marginal . Us and Them son walking on parallel never meet otherwise than by turning of a news item, when a person dies ...

There. Now I return to my own life, you mentioned in passing that the varnish removal of the exhibition at the gallery PGC Confluence , 190 bd de Charonne in Paris 20th, takes place this Friday, July 24 from 18.30. WELCOME!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Spa Pillow For Straight Bathtub


I'm hardly present on the blogs these days because I am Rather, in real life. I Pl. for nearly a month on 20 texts for the exhibition that I mentioned in previous post. You can find them in their entirety in Tat Eye and Paris- emotion. The exhibition in the workshop of Columbus was a first for us three, and it made me want to do more! Alternating with two collages of the artist, it ended in a sunny garden in a friendly and artistic!

I publish a poem here not shown in the photo exhibition to accompany "A New " Tat, who had required to write the text itself on its picture. The story is that neither one nor the other we were on our concerted texts ... which finally for one and both are variations on this theme, until the form, since Tat also wrote his "R" in blue capital letters;)

And not to be R este, here is the quatrain that I'm most proud of writing for one picture Francis, who said to me all the work of my two friends:

It is these images which we can not say anything for fear of
to dim their luster a sigh
For their ephemeral beauty is enough to look
So I let the eyes that language must be silent.

left, Tat photos, right, photo Francis
I invite you to see a greater impact on their respective pages

New R

The lett R e comes in the words of oxygen
a course, Room R e, which does not fail,
bubbles that fly by blowing through my veins The fifth
R s lib R are reportable R power R loves R in worm R R s liv es .

I am the daughter of R , an Eve who R Eve
you Tonight I p R ends t R ain time louse R any R eviva R e
L'ho R Izon of your eyes, pa R smoke your OWCs R ,

What I have felt that once batt R e cons mine
R espirit inches under your R 're the could R Summer has R cannot
Printer our co R ps a stir ve R s hands, I'm

these R garlic Fe R who your b R have ove R ts
Pa R alleles obscurity R es that do both teams to meet R ent point where
son of souls Conve R gent throughout this beautiful Ethe R !


Some memories collages R EU MEU R T R A T that day, a Grand thank you to him, again!

I. Toussaint Louverture


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Balloon Tower Defence 4 Nk

Stories O

The clouds accumulate with tremolos in the gas
I feel the first drop that broke the camel's
I am suspicious of the other sleeping: my stunt double
From mud baths, fountains disturb my

mouth And I still mist before these golds
frozen ice has frozen the movement of tides
A heavy blow in the horizon of my waters hither
Like a poison in the bone is distilled in my blood
) (

Mental above, I do not lose hope yet
Between two zoos to find a soul in tin, I hail
To better throw me: hello? but the pool is black
And there are only those stupid seagulls my calls ...

Photos: (1) Jardins de Bagatelle Neuilly, (2) Gulls on the Rhine at Basel, (3) Carving of Tinguely Basel.



As I usually do it on this blog, many of my poems are illustrated with my photos. This time, I'll give myself another year, I had already done a photo of Gérard Lavalette. Next is Paris-Emoi and Tat Eye to lend me their pictures to me to illustrate my best ... I hope you will come many. There will also be a second session of collages Died Street Art, this time in his city, Colombes (Toussaint Louverture and Jean Jaurès). For Jean-Jaures, actor Jean Baptiste Hazo intervene. High tea will follow the workshop Rue D'Art Dies at 37 rue du Commandant Rivière Colombes (bring your desserts and drinks). You can see photos of Paris and Tat-Emoi to the Eye, illustrated with my lyrics, sometimes new on this blog. The exhibition, free admission, will be opened in the morning from 10 am to 19 pm 30

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Washing Sanuk Sidewalk Surfers

Fairies Wall Street-Died Art

On Sunday, May 24th was a day rich in creativity, encounters and emotions-wall emulsions. Died Street Art , which I already spoken on this blog and you will find a detailed interview on the PGC , invited us to one of her sessions lively collage which he is one of the few urban artists that I know to promote. In total we were about forty to follow the adventure, beneath a blazing sun! Square St-Laurent can be proud to welcome two new Louise Brooks, favorite actress and muse of the artist ... and as luck would have it often, I can incubate the twin's perspective and thereby ensure their freshness in the tumbling Rue du Faubourg St. Martin in the breakfast Velib. In doing so, turning his head toward the left, I'll take a quick glance to Franz, who for now fathom passers Street Thibeau, and attend his metamorphosis.

"Dance with Louise

performance continued in the Square Villemin with others. For my part I read my poem dedicated to Louise, written specially for the occasion (I reproduce below) . Took a mini-play about the Metamorphosis by Kafka, directed by and starring Baptist Mallek and Raphael Bernard Mallek, DERRIEN Morgan, and Nicolas Binsse. This post is an opportunity for me to thank everyone who made the trip, which remained until the end, the photographer friends who were present and sent me some nice pictures: Tat, Francis , Thias (PGC crew), Pascal , Gerard Laurent, Henri , Lydia and I surely forget. Finally, a big THANK YOU to Jean-Marc and his family for organizing this wonderful day!

The femurs Died Street Art


Louise, beautiful tomboy neck dripping with pearls Those
our eyes on this day you make a tribute ...

The Roaring Twenties were the casket of your sumptuous bodices
When your square ebony kissing your best mines

But the contempt of your virtue suffered at your young age
Fit You stubborn that Venus inaccessible. For

loufiats Hollywood that you took for target
To them you were the black eyes bluntly,

maneuvering to get a glance of your eyes, I draw my
often your black and white portraits ...

The workroom of my dreams extend to all your movies
Heavy silent hours that seem to defy time

Lou-angel-demon Lou, throughout your long films
Under your beautiful poses, from below I contemplate you,

Woman of the cloth you are the outline of a temple wall: Oblivion
fading, giving way to your image.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Not to be outdone, Jean-Marc lends us his workshop in Colombia on 13 June for an exhibition-photo-poems, in opportunity for another session of urban collage. You will see the work of Paris-Emoi and Tat to the Eye, I will illustrate that of my words. We will forward an invitation soon!