Twice this week in the subway, I was asked or suggested to smile . The first time a black man a little old, entering the train, began to tell us how important it was to smile. Of course, his little benefit has been some joy. The man was dressed elegantly, fine lines and endorsements, the slender silhouette. With his tie, his shoes shined, his suit impeccable and his can of beer in hand, it made sense. His speech, far from being disjointed, was full of hope and humor. True, people always look a little dehumanized in the subway. This theme, in the midst of crisis, may seem incongruous, and yet it was written over my head a few more days.
I already mentioned in a previous post of misuse of the pub Priceminister " Become Radin," and it is reassuring to see that the poster continues to react. The message " become malignant, stop working consume and enjoy life "may sound easy, but ... how, while being different, can we remain indifferent? The economic crisis leaves no wood, it even becomes a selling point and political persuasion . It is still good, the crisis. Meanwhile, those in full-backs and toast are those who lose their jobs do not have a salary that is three times their rent and drowning in the excesses of the richest . Of course all this does anyone laugh, and I'm not in the minds of people who take the subway for what they endure in life. I can only imagine ... there are so many reasons to be unhappy.

I'm lucky, and I so far, because right now I have a roof over my head and a job. But there are more and more unemployed, not enough housing, and more and more people in irregular situations. The government says "it is working." But it is always the same problems, same old stories of electoral returning mandate mandate and ultimately we did not come out, while others put them fill their pockets while they have their business at risk (see Societe Generale) . I do not need to read newspapers to know that it will not, simply to look around in the street to realize that. The word "crisis" is often a corollary of rather negative terms ... burst into tears, epilepsy, urticaria, nerves, of "hystérire" ... Yes, I want a good laugh crisis and not to blow "lol" or "lol" at the bottom of the mails or SMS as is the trend. I speak of a conscious laugh, saving, constructive. The man who laughs so sympathetic with his beer in hand, he's right. And I would have drank with him, even though it saddens me to think he drinks like a fish to get by, just this hole, probably without knowing it's only sinking.
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