Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Washing Sanuk Sidewalk Surfers

Fairies Wall Street-Died Art

On Sunday, May 24th was a day rich in creativity, encounters and emotions-wall emulsions. Died Street Art , which I already spoken on this blog and you will find a detailed interview on the PGC , invited us to one of her sessions lively collage which he is one of the few urban artists that I know to promote. In total we were about forty to follow the adventure, beneath a blazing sun! Square St-Laurent can be proud to welcome two new Louise Brooks, favorite actress and muse of the artist ... and as luck would have it often, I can incubate the twin's perspective and thereby ensure their freshness in the tumbling Rue du Faubourg St. Martin in the breakfast Velib. In doing so, turning his head toward the left, I'll take a quick glance to Franz, who for now fathom passers Street Thibeau, and attend his metamorphosis.

"Dance with Louise

performance continued in the Square Villemin with others. For my part I read my poem dedicated to Louise, written specially for the occasion (I reproduce below) . Took a mini-play about the Metamorphosis by Kafka, directed by and starring Baptist Mallek and Raphael Bernard Mallek, DERRIEN Morgan, and Nicolas Binsse. This post is an opportunity for me to thank everyone who made the trip, which remained until the end, the photographer friends who were present and sent me some nice pictures: Tat, Francis , Thias (PGC crew), Pascal , Gerard Laurent, Henri , Lydia and I surely forget. Finally, a big THANK YOU to Jean-Marc and his family for organizing this wonderful day!

The femurs Died Street Art


Louise, beautiful tomboy neck dripping with pearls Those
our eyes on this day you make a tribute ...

The Roaring Twenties were the casket of your sumptuous bodices
When your square ebony kissing your best mines

But the contempt of your virtue suffered at your young age
Fit You stubborn that Venus inaccessible. For

loufiats Hollywood that you took for target
To them you were the black eyes bluntly,

maneuvering to get a glance of your eyes, I draw my
often your black and white portraits ...

The workroom of my dreams extend to all your movies
Heavy silent hours that seem to defy time

Lou-angel-demon Lou, throughout your long films
Under your beautiful poses, from below I contemplate you,

Woman of the cloth you are the outline of a temple wall: Oblivion
fading, giving way to your image.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Not to be outdone, Jean-Marc lends us his workshop in Colombia on 13 June for an exhibition-photo-poems, in opportunity for another session of urban collage. You will see the work of Paris-Emoi and Tat to the Eye, I will illustrate that of my words. We will forward an invitation soon!

Friday, May 15, 2009

What Should I Wear To An Alumni Interview


Twice this week in the subway, I was asked or suggested to smile . The first time a black man a little old, entering the train, began to tell us how important it was to smile. Of course, his little benefit has been some joy. The man was dressed elegantly, fine lines and endorsements, the slender silhouette. With his tie, his shoes shined, his suit impeccable and his can of beer in hand, it made sense. His speech, far from being disjointed, was full of hope and humor. True, people always look a little dehumanized in the subway. This theme, in the midst of crisis, may seem incongruous, and yet it was written over my head a few more days.

I already mentioned in a previous post of misuse of the pub Priceminister " Become Radin," and it is reassuring to see that the poster continues to react. The message " become malignant, stop working consume and enjoy life "may sound easy, but ... how, while being different, can we remain indifferent? The economic crisis leaves no wood, it even becomes a selling point and political persuasion . It is still good, the crisis. Meanwhile, those in full-backs and toast are those who lose their jobs do not have a salary that is three times their rent and drowning in the excesses of the richest . Of course all this does anyone laugh, and I'm not in the minds of people who take the subway for what they endure in life. I can only imagine ... there are so many reasons to be unhappy.

I'm lucky, and I so far, because right now I have a roof over my head and a job. But there are more and more unemployed, not enough housing, and more and more people in irregular situations. The government says "it is working." But it is always the same problems, same old stories of electoral returning mandate mandate and ultimately we did not come out, while others put them fill their pockets while they have their business at risk (see Societe Generale) . I do not need to read newspapers to know that it will not, simply to look around in the street to realize that. The word "crisis" is often a corollary of rather negative terms ... burst into tears, epilepsy, urticaria, nerves, of "hystérire" ... Yes, I want a good laugh crisis and not to blow "lol" or "lol" at the bottom of the mails or SMS as is the trend. I speak of a conscious laugh, saving, constructive. The man who laughs so sympathetic with his beer in hand, he's right. And I would have drank with him, even though it saddens me to think he drinks like a fish to get by, just this hole, probably without knowing it's only sinking.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Katesplayground Jello


The origin of the finger, otherwise known as body language today " fuck" goes back to a few thousand years. The digitus impudicus , although by far relate to the novel, is already in the literature of ancient Rome.
During the famous 100 year war between England and France, the indomitable Gauls cut the index and middle fingers of Archers British prisoners, disability preventing them from firing. Before a battle, the English archers taunted their opponents by holding the index and middle fingers as if to encourage them to come and cut them off. The gesture they remained today.

Collages Ludo (Nature's Revenge) and Lyl (ST Sticks) - Pix CXL Thias

The middle toe raised as a possible analogy with the phallus could also explain osbcène character. What I call the "digiphallus" is symbolic of both the insult, provocation, hostility or rebellion against the established order. More generally, between us, it is used more to signify a break in conversation, in a replica set where the loser facing the verbal attack of the speaker has no alternative but to raise the finger " Tote 'rather than voice, which means everything and nothing at once ...

Graffs Agency 11 and Koca (95C) - Paris-Pix CXL Emoi

This gesture also appears extensively in the street art ... right now the Canal St-Martin of the gigantic Grendizer Pimax teasing us in his "Fist-Fulgoro ephemeral" (referring to item Ephemeral) , passage of a large collage of Récollets Nature's Revenge (Ludo) seems to convey an environmental message that does not lack spice, while a sort of neon punk painted Forge (street Ramponeau) approached the entrance to the visitor a few months ago ...

Stencil by Goldorak Pimax and plot Provok - Pix CXL Tat

Ultimately, each finger has a phatic use, popular or social: the expression "blacklisting" is the equivalent of a directive function, the atrial whose name is derived from the word ear seems more practical to scratch the eardrum, the annular support of marital status is a kind of slippery slope (°: °), and the thumb signifies the positive attitude or "stop". I do not go on, and more here on the many ways that we can make our Phall -angels, but it makes me want to eat Fingers, me, not you?

wink @ @ Tat and TWO ;)... and PGC crew!