Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Will Help Bloating


I'm a game I take homophones and declines according to what passes through my head. I propose that those who miss it stick with green-glass-to-worm-vair , people-loses-grandfather-pair-pair or other ...

Lille : I've never set foot, but I have often failed: Blandine had proposed to spend on the occasion of the famous Jumble, but I was not available. It seems that it is a "beautiful" two words that I speak for those who know my neighborhood Parisian wanderings "Graffiti".

Read it Stan told me a book recently, "Theory of Six". He told me he was not able to release the book before finishing it, which is strong enough for a guy who admits to being somewhat fond of reading. This thriller is based on a theory of probability set in 1929 by a Hungarian named Frigyes Karinthy, that any individual may be connected to any other by a chain of knowledge with no more than five intermediaries. Each of us would be six handshakes of any inhabitant of the wilds of the Gobi Desert. This theory, to say the least mad, is the modus operandi of the serial killer thriller by Jacques Expert. It reminds me that Stan has also published a book in and that I would have found time to immerse myself in his "I prefer to nibble on cement" ...

Island : if I owned one, it would be in an archipelago of atolls, surrounded by dolphins, manta rays and colorful fish. I would put all the people I love and I would call "the island chandeliers" because I will have found eternity.

Etretat, 08/15/2008

L'il : the unknown man, male utopian representative of the opposite sex who beat the "it" all may be an illusory duo, flying in perfect idyll?

Lyl : a young artist that hunters street art are familiar. Member of the collective ST TICKS, it sticks in the street its silhouettes pinup ears of elves. A trifle provocative, she taunting us with their almond eyes at the corner of an intersection or exiting a doorway. Ephemeral, fast-torn shocked onlookers by a breast that can not see, they are being Emmure sensuality, provocation that endures, that femininity gags to stunts.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS for those who are idle and @ + in this blog!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Felted Crochet Slippers

FOR, BRINDAM: a stencil watermark


Lilabel Unable to speak (see previous post) not to mention love Brin called us " Brindam . These two are inseparable, like the parakeets! (But the comparison stops to their welcoming chatter, they reassure themselves ^ ^). Love street art, Brin love knows well most of the artists who put their work here and there on the walls of Paris. But one wonders how the idea he never came to ask something herself ... So with this mail-art of a particular kind I propose to give him a boost:)

It is indeed a real stencil ... I slipped a transparent red in the envelope, just remove it to see its name appear as "watermark" ... a bomb, a wall, and it's ready to use!

The materials used are: an X-Acto, a transparent plastic cover, a chrome posca, a black marker, a pen and a black pen to draw the arabesque, a thin piece of metal watermark, a small satin ribbon to close the envelope, and two pairs Scissors (one serrated) for cutting the pieces from magazines.

PS is accompanied by Roswitha and I met Brindam Bérangère Delli, also enamored of mail art, street Denoyer (one of my favorites HQ) where she has the chance to live, just front of the pool. Another point in common with the lady, she loves Rimbaud! View blog dedicated to his call for mail art RIMBAUD she received in Wonderland ...

And TAT ... another love of urban art, a quick little trick:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Airsoft Desert Eagle Gold Chromed


Upcoming tickets may still speak of mail art, first because I'm inspired now, then because I did not head to write. Achieve these custom envelopes, it makes me nostalgic. This returns me to my childhood holidays in the house of my grandmother Lussac (33). There was not much to do in this wet and gloomy old shack (that still loved), then moved into the triangular garden (yes, yes, a triangle acute and steep), we played all sorts of games, and it was engaged in creative activities, between the books and holiday decals. We cut out pages of "Female Status" and "We Two" is compiling the paperwork, it was the attic in search of treasures to compliment our designs. It was the era of recklessness, albums by Sarah Kay and herbal teas in the evening watching TV with the comments of the Granny who told the whole movie before the end ...

Make Mail Art for me is also a story. It's about someone we like. Offer him scraps of what is known of him or her, passions, on a piece of paper that position and who travel to please him. Send a mail art is a kind of declaration of friendship, an act of generosity. I wrote about it, entitled "Paris under bombs" with the chrome posca (it shows not the white). Collage, spray bomb, stickers and writing have hope flew Lilabel box which unfortunately did not receive the first I sent him ... I cross my fingers that this time the Post Office to do its job! Lilabel is a small, energetic woman, spruce, and I still believe in the exhibitions and openings related to art ... Street, for which she is passionate like me, last time I saw her was at the House of steelworkers to the expo 400ml. I used the flyer!

