Everybody knows more or less what a rhyme: a rhyme is said to be rich when the repetition involves three or more phonemes. Here the rhymes that are more wealthy (billionaires then?) As they relate to the total final phonemes of each word. This post will theme of animals. I take this opportunity to invite you to get a closer look at the work of ROA , well known for its " animonochromes " spray-painted in the wasteland or the streets of towns (solo exhibition for the first time in Paris at the Galerie Itinerrance in 13 ° to 28 February). I will publish more of these aphorisms / poems with other animals on this blog but I chose those I seem to stick with the best works.
Better to ask one to have his skin: rabbit
If you get carrot you will wonder who painted it ...
If you get carrot you will wonder who painted it ...
Her slow legendary weakens its shell: turtle
Knows better than everyone how wrong it kills
Any bird born chick before a duckling
We're not all arrows and all that, duck-t we?

From pirates in rowboats, corsets whales
When the bride is low it is clear that beats the groin!
No need to crowbar boar
Husband in the hold for filing marks breasts ... He
hungrier told a barracuda
shooting at his arm as His elbows on the bar
dear and loving friend who, like the sperm whale, stranded
lasciviously, and then hides in water
From his heartfelt tears, her hair squid
At his feet are spread, to stop, moor In
sack the curves of her body beautiful silky
night fell the lighthouse to the cry of a raven.

In their dress black cassock, beetles
waved their dark legs, and these lads with their greedy abbots
mandibles of beetles
For paper mache opted to take off ...
continued ...