The phenomenon 11:11: Time of the Apocalypse?

I. So seeing the number 11 in its physical aspect / Visual
This is a palindromic number, as being back on itself: the Roman numeral II is written (2) refers to as a 2:2 = 1. The letters M, W, N, (cutting through the middle), uppercase and lowercase I contain one or more 1 with 2 possible spellings. In fact, according to a common practice not have the same spelling, the Anglo-Saxon does not use the back up as we write and then I. The English word "eleven" may be a sound mix of "hell" / Heaven? (Eleven = hell / paradise, each ending in 11 also with double ll and N). It contains almost ze-word "one" in English can mean both "A" and "being", which can evoke the pronoun "we." Magic and consistency of language ... "eleven" in German is called "elf". Hence the link with the essence "elvish", there is only one step! For this species we are vital, almost, in today's world: just as the price of oil rises or disappears and it is ... the ZONE! Is there not also an "ELF business"?
- a " broth eleven o'clock" is a poison (11pm is supposed to be the witching hour).
- the "lady eleven o'clock" is a toxic plant (11am is the time of flowering).
- the "workers the eleventh hour" is an allusion to the parable of the Bible on the principle of equality: those who arrive at the last moment, when the work is almost finished, are still paid the same salary .
- the proverb " eleven months earlier had eaten a month senaison " found randomly on Wikipedia ... and unknown to the battalion! Impossible to know what this sentence, notice is launched!
- " train 11h", and fun way to appoint former walking foot, two bars of 11 contained both legs.
- the "eleven " metaphor to describe a football team.
- in English the expression " The Eleventh Hour" means the last moment to act in case of danger or emergency.
LITTLE FUN EXERCISE: What can you write with one? : Ill Will, Mill (Sick / crazy and will mill in English). Nod: the Wii is two 1 and two upside down 1 or 1111 ;-) there are surely many more ...
It is likely that contemporary filmmakers, whether conscious of the impact of the phenomenon in 1111 the collective mind, have had the urge to exploit it. Thriller 11:11, evil has a new number (Mr. Bafaro, 2004) is the most blatant example. The Lady eleven o'clock (J. Devaivre, 1947) recounts a story of murder, ditto for The 11th Commandment (P. Leder, 1974) Riot in Cell Block 11 (D. Siegel, 1954 ) recounts a bloody revolt in a prison. Ocean's Eleven (S. Soderbergh) depicts the atrocities of a team of 11 thugs, and Eleven individual of Ghost in the Shell are a group of terrorists who hijack an embassy employee.
Just type in the search of an online media store the number or letters and you come across a multitude of titles including the number "11" is the title (see album Bryan Adams), the most obvious being an album CD entitled 11:11 Maria Taylor. One hundred and eleven also include haiku by Matsuo Basho, Eleven Minutes (P. Coelho) Eleven days (D. Harstad), or Eleven hours to live (P. Simons & N. Mege).
The episode of the 11,000 virgin martyrs of the Middle Ages is legendary (see The Eleven thousand yards , title parody of Guillaume Apollinaire). The date of 11 September 2001 gave rise to delusional interpretations: as if the Twin Towers formed alongside the number 11, they each consisted of 110 stories, note also the presence of the WW (double you Bush ...?), January 4 upside down in the name of the towers ... aux USA, 911 (nine-nine-one, or 09/11) is the emergency number in NYC, whose postal code is 10001, the State of New York is No. 11, the first plane crashing against the WTC 1 was the flight of No. 11 American Airlines, and finally to the 11th of September, 111 days left until the end of the year! To top it off, another coincidence, the First World War ended at 11 pm on the 11th day of 11th month of the year 1918. On 11 November 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. Louis XI, having only French monarch to name this place, was described by his biographers as a rogue king and unappreciated for nearly 22 years of reign, called the "universal spider" sneaky creature awaits its prey in the dark.
Carnival (Karneval Rheinischer) bases its rituals around this number. Thus it begins on November 11 at 11:11. There are several theories about the origin of this date, the number 11 is considered since the Middle Ages as the number of fools ("närrische Zahl") because it is one more than the 10 commandments, which is therefore transgresses, and one less than the 12 apostles. Even today, the Carnival Committee is composed of 11 fools (= Elferrat Board 11). For the record, the Rhine region undergoes first occupation with French revolutionary troops and later Napoleon and the Prussian occupation. The three letters "ELF" in German recall the principle of the Revolution: equality, freedom and brotherhood. So it was let off steam by making fun of the French occupiers.
(Source: Wikipedia and the site of the Academy of Versailles)
Anyway, the eleven apostles, those who remained after the betrayal of Judas to decide his replacement.
VI. The mystique
sites that question the "1111 phenomenon" is still a lot to take with tweezers, because the statements that are developed are relatively "enlightened"! Each effect can easily live "experience." It is possible that our subconscious takes us to fixate on it because it's visually easier; are 4 vertical bars (digital display) that create a visual effect for sure, and who can remember a lot of things we use or see in everyday life. The human imagination in search of spirituality in a world where everything goes too fast, left speechless time of observation. From there to consider that because we saw this phenomenon it is sort of a politician, capable of receiving signs that ordinary people do not perceive there is a world. Chance sometimes strikes several times in the same place ... this "phenomenon" is actually quite common and therefore more regular ordinal. So why has it become a subject of speculation throughout the delusional world? No doubt the word of mouth. Certainly, for my part I did had not heard before seen. Certainly there is an element of mystery which is perhaps explained by the meandering parts of the brain unexplored. And if it was just a collective hallucination more?
VII. The numerological aspect
- In the tarot, Arcanum No. 11 is the Force.
- In Harry Potter, you need 11 years to September 1 to enter Hogwarts. Harry's wand measures 11 inches in OV ...
- Here is the testimony of an Algerian student interviewed just after a kamikaze attack July 11, 2007 before a barracks (online article Rue89):
" The bus was burning. There were body parts and faces of blood everywhere. everything was in blew (...). I thought we were Dec. 11 and Al-Qaeda had struck. Since September 11, 2001 in New York, March 11, 2004 in Madrid, April 11, 2007 in Algiers. On 11 of the terror is back . "
In numerology, especially in the esoteric tradition, it is a symbol of transgression, rebellion and violence. For this fact It represents the "coat of arms of sin" according to St. Augustine. Psalm 11 - the Vulgate numbering - indeed demand the punishment of the wicked. The sum of the numbers 1 to 11 is 66, which multiplies the number eleven by the symbol of evil, The Demon 6. The Hebrews considering it as a bad omen, there is no name consists of eleven letters in Hebrew. Number of knowledge of God according to the Arabs, who would go through 11 stages. Thence to infer that sponsors suicide bombings of Al-Qaeda deliberately choose to act on 11 and kill, there is only one step ... and I must admit that when the "Mossad is at the party" during this time, we can see a certain black humor ...
In the code of the United States, the "Murder" (Title 18, Part I, Chapter 51) is the No. 1111.